1st Awesome Stuff: 

A Courtroom of Ashes is available at a reduced price of $1.99 but only for the next 24 hours. That’s a pretty great discount!

After 24 hours, the book goes back to its original $2.99 price. So if you wanted A Courtroom, this is your chance!

2nd Awesome Stuff:

If you read the book and leave a review, you’ll enter THE MEGA KICK-ASS GIVEAWAY.

Prizes include:
•    A signed paperback copy of ACOA—with a personal message.
•    An awesome card featuring Santana.
•    A character named after you on my next book (say whaaaa? Yup.)
•    A wrath bookmark.


Ahw, they’re so cute when they’re not trying to murder you.

More details coming soon! So if you write a review, make sure to let me know (click on the tab CONTACT to see all the ways to reach me.

3rd Awesome Stuff:

Keep your heads up for the next post, where I will tell you about an EPIC giveaway with $1,000 worth of prizes.

You heard me.