Guys, guys, this is awesome. I’m freaking out just a little. No, nope, it’s a lot. Yep, I’m freaking out a lot.
For her, he’ll go to the edges of the universe. Literally.
James Bauman’s life flips 180 degrees when he falls for Miriam Haworth, an alien researcher who is incapable of feeling strong emotions.
James will do everything in his power to show Miriam what love is, but if he succeeds, the wrath of an ancient alien race might crash upon him… and doom Miriam forever.
Anyway, how have you guys been?
Tell me what’s new because I’m like super bored right now, and I’m listening to the Game of Thrones Soundtrack, which is so amazing I can’t even.
You’re welcome for this majestic wonderfulness, yes, I just made up that word, no wait. Wonderfulness is actually a word, WTF?
I love that Wonderfulness is an actual word! That’s just …… Wonderfulness! Also, love your book, can’t wait for more.
You’re the best!
Wow. You are one high-powered literary machine these days! Mega-congrats!
Oh, I’m actually super slow, there are authors out there who publish like 2 books a month. Crazy stuff O_O
Hey, that’s your book, it’s got your name on it. (How many’s that now?)
Three : D
A magic number.