As a writer, I constantly come across pictures that resemble the people who live in my head.

For example: There was this perfume ad which perfectly captured John and Santana BOTH (AT THE SAME TIME!) and I was like WTF Hugo Boss, get out of my head!

john and santana

And then there was Alice from “Tales of Love and Emeralds”, and she was gut-wrenching and amazing:

Please note this picture is just a preview. To view the original you need to go the the artist's page!

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This would be a pretty great Alice too, though her sharp moonstone eyes are missing:


Click on the picture to go to the artist’s page 🙂







And this person pretty much got all the struggles of Alice’s sweet twin brother, Alan.


Click on the picture to go to the artist’s page 🙂







And then there’s Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who should play James Baumann from “Tales”, if they ever make a movie of the Dark Safe.

Then there’s this guy, who pretty much NAILED Kieran in all his three dimensional naughty sexiness . (Kieran is coming in 2016, by the way.)


Click on the picture to go to the artist’s page 🙂







And he did a pretty great naughty John too. Even though John would be the perfect candidate for Captain America (he’s such a good boy), he can get really naughty if he wants to. Just ask Santana on chapter thirty something. 


Click on the picture to go to the artist’s page 🙂








Damn, John.

So, since we’re talking about characters: who’s your favorite fictional character of all time?