Awesome text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id volutpat ex. Fusce sed vehicula tellus, vel blandit sem. Maecenas ut mi ac est faucibus tincidunt in sed arcu. Ut nec ultrices arcu, vel scelerisque orci. Integer risus felis, posuere vel arcu ac, dapibus auctor turpis. Quisque rutrum pellentesque tellus. Cras at justo tristique, dignissim sem a, aliquam velit. Phasellus vitae tincidunt sapien. Integer at nibh venenatis, varius est non, egestas nunc. Proin et laoreet justo, sit amet vestibulum elit.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones

Guys, chill, no spoilers here. It’s just that I need to get something off my chest. So a long time ago, I tried reading “A Game of Thrones”, the first book of the Song of Ice and Fire series. And I couldn’t even finish the first chapters. It’s not that the book was...

Steel Magic Cover Reveal

Hi Guys, Here's a quick shout out to a fellow author, J. L. Gribble, who's releasing this little baby very, very soon. And it's available for pre-order here : ) Funerals are usually the end of the story, not the beginning. Newly graduated warrior-mages Toria Connor...

Ten Commandments

I think that if God had something against gay people, he’d have mentioned it in the ten commandments. Like, Moses probably looked at the stones and asked, “Lord, what about homosexuals?” And God said, “Nah, they cool, bruh.” <img...