by C.S. Wilde | Aug 29, 2016 | books, Fun, movies, Uncategorized
Mine is probably the one I have with chocolate chip cookies. And Stranger Things. How about you? Oh, and speaking of love stories, this is coming to you very soon (yay!)
by C.S. Wilde | Aug 29, 2016 | books, Fun, Uncategorized, Writing
A lot of people have trouble dealing with form rejections, be that for a project, a job, a book, college, or pretty much anything in this world. Being an author, and therefore having some degree of experience in the matter, I figured it’s my duty to help people...
by C.S. Wilde | Aug 23, 2016 | Fun, Uncategorized, Writing
Yes, it has happened. I am older (though if we think about it, we’re older every passing day, minute, and second, so, what gives? Idk, man.) Anyway, I have mixed feelings about my birthday. I mean, it’s always a cool opportunity to take a day off and enjoy...
by C.S. Wilde | Aug 18, 2016 | Fun, Lifestyle, Uncategorized, Writing
You Guys, The Biles is one of the most amazing moves I’ve ever seen. It’s one of those things that leave your jaw hanging and your brain going nonstop, “holy shit,holy shit,holy shit!” I mean just look at it!...
by C.S. Wilde | Jul 25, 2016 | Fun, reviews, series, Uncategorized, Writing
Have you watched Stranger Things? This series is so FREAKING AMAZING I can’t even, AAAAGHHHH! I’m not joking. Stranger Things is what would happen if Steven Spielberg had met Stephen King for a couple of beers. Let that sink in for a moment. PERFECT PLOT....
by C.S. Wilde | Jul 18, 2016 | Fun, movies, reviews, Uncategorized, Writing
So I’ve recently watched World of Warcraft mainly because of this guy: Yes, my favorite viking stars in this movie. I hoped to see him naked, did not happen. Now that I pretty much ruined the movie for you, let’s do this. (Fair warning: spoilers ahead.)...