by C.S. Wilde | Aug 10, 2015 | Marketing, movies, Publishing, Uncategorized
I’ve created a Facebook page (say whaaa?) Yes. Yes I did. And here’s the deal: I’m making an ark of likes. That’s right. The ark will be full at 100 followers, and I need your help to get there! You can click on my LIKE button in the sidebar...
by C.S. Wilde | Jul 20, 2015 | Editing, Marketing, Publishing, Revising, Things I saw on the Internet, Uncategorized, Writing, Writing craft
This is a tag going around, and since a few people have asked me about my writing process (I find that incredibly flattering to be honest!), here it is! Anyone interested, feel free to tag yourselves and answer the questions! Do leave a link to your post in the...
by C.S. Wilde | Jun 29, 2015 | Editing, Lifestyle, Marketing, Publishing, Revising, Things I saw on the Internet, Uncategorized, Writing, Writing craft
A few months ago, I sent my last query letter to an agent. I knew I wanted to get my work out there, but it was clear as day it wouldn’t be through the traditional way, so I focused on indie publishing. As time passed, I got more and more excited about publishing my...
by C.S. Wilde | Jun 21, 2015 | Marketing, Publishing, series, Things I saw on the Internet, Uncategorized, Writing
As a writer, I constantly come across pictures that resemble the people who live in my head. For example: There was this perfume ad which perfectly captured John and Santana BOTH (AT THE SAME TIME!) and I was like WTF Hugo Boss, get out of my head! And then there was...
by C.S. Wilde | Jun 13, 2015 | Marketing, Publishing, Things I saw on the Internet, Uncategorized, Writing
“And stuff” would mean Goodreads, in case you’re wondering. Click on the buttons to connect!
by C.S. Wilde | Jun 10, 2015 | Marketing, Publishing, Things I saw on the Internet, Uncategorized, Writing
I’ve gotten a few awards at my other blog (PRINCESS KICKASS). This is awesome because it means people think I deserve an award for what I have to say. After I earned my fifth award in the same week though, I stopped bragging about it, otherwise people would...