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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id volutpat ex. Fusce sed vehicula tellus, vel blandit sem. Maecenas ut mi ac est faucibus tincidunt in sed arcu. Ut nec ultrices arcu, vel scelerisque orci. Integer risus felis, posuere vel arcu ac, dapibus auctor turpis. Quisque rutrum pellentesque tellus. Cras at justo tristique, dignissim sem a, aliquam velit. Phasellus vitae tincidunt sapien. Integer at nibh venenatis, varius est non, egestas nunc. Proin et laoreet justo, sit amet vestibulum elit.


CURSED DARKNESS is HERE, you guys! The second installment of the Angels of Fate series is FINALLY HERE! *happy dance*! “I lost everything. Now I’m about to lose myself.” Liam Striker has been through a lot in his life, but nothing quite like this. As he...

My First Trilogy: A Study

My First Trilogy: A Study

It’s been a crazy ride full of ups and downs (more downs than ups, but hey, in life there are no mistakes only lessons learned). Success is relative. Many authors I know have much longer series that earn way less than the Dimensions series, and many others earn WAY more with a single book. For me, this series (which I absolutely love along with its multilayered characters) was a total flop–by my standards, and those are the only standards any author has to abide to: their own. Let’s find out why.

May the 4th be with you

I'm a GIANT nerd. Not literally, though that would be cool. If you think about it, I'm a tall person, so I could be categorized as a giant nerd. Anyway, I digress. As you know, From the Stars has tons of Star Wars references. Seriously, I dare you to catch all the...

From the Stars – YASSSSS!

From the Stars – YASSSSS!

From the Stars got a brand new cover! Not only that, but BEYOND THE STARS - Book 2 of the Dimensions Series is available for pre-order and lokkitdiscoveromg! Yes, I've become unintelligible, which for a writer, means a lot. Like, a.LOT. Happily ever after didn’t last...



2016 was a rough year, but it was also the year that I finally became an author, something I had only dreamed of since I was eight years old. That was pretty cool! Back in April, I launched my first book, A Courtroom of Ashes. It was a very special project to me,...